7 Important Tips for exercise during pregnancy

I'm pregnant, do I stop the movement and lie down throughout pregnancy? of course not! The movement and moderate exercise useful for your health and the health of the fetus. You just have to be a cautious movements that you have done.
Therefore, I present to you, dear important tips for exercise and maintaining of fitness during pregnancy:
Before starting any exercise you should consult your doctor and review throughout pregnancy.
There are some light exercises to do during pregnancy, such as yoga and Pilates.
Some gyms offer a private water exercises for pregnant women.
You can practice walking outdoors.
Drink plenty of water during a workout, and if you feel tired, take a break.
A good exercise abdominal exercises during pregnancy until the third month.
Marcy exercises on your slow, and stop immediately if you feel any discomfort.
Exercise in moderation and eat healthy foods to keep up good health during pregnancy. Join us what you think.


13 - How to keep you trim during pregnancy?

Pregnancy distinctive stage where your body is going through many changes, including the increase in natural weight. In order to keep your weight within the normal range, you must follow the routine of exercise and health and diet that will help you stay agile during pregnancy, childbirth and facilitates the process and enhance your health and the health of your child.

Eat fiber-rich healthy foods that make you feel full. Saliva to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, and avoid fat and sugar-rich foods.
Exercise and light yoga, it improves blood circulation, relieve joint pain, fatigue, fatigue, and enhance the immune and metabolism. But consult your doctor before making any push up.
Water: Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, relieve fatigue and nausea. The water prevents you from over-eating, because you sometimes may feel false hungrily be the result of how you feel thirsty only.
Walk: during pregnancy it is important to ease vigorous exercise. So Walking is the simplest and easiest way to keep fit and de-stress while you are pregnant. It also helps to increase your ability to prospect, leading to relieve labor pains.
Cut down on the amount of food provided and the number of meals: Eat small rations of food every 2 or 3 hours prolongs the feeling of satiety and reduces severe eating you want, do not over-eat large amounts of food.


14 - 8 health tips for pregnant women working

Can I work and I'm pregnant? Is infect the fetus than that? Questions the dream of every woman working in the first period to carry. My dear, do not worry, there will not be any risk to your pregnancy as long as you are worried about your health well.

We offer you some proven tips to help you through the most wonderful moments of your life any moments waiting for the new baby:

Stop smoking: it may cause abortion and the deterioration in your health and the health of your baby, as well as your fellow Stay away from smokers and smoking in places of work.
Do not forget breakfast: Eat a meal full breakfast daily before going out to work and try to drink milk regularly. Take it with you as well as vegetable or fruit salad to consider taking over the work.
Wear comfortable clothes: as if to be cotton and loose. As Avoid wearing high heels.
Pay attention to the status of sitting: Sit comfortably and put your feet up from time to time to Ttakchi of your back pain and swollen feet.
Take a break: during the work. As for the return to the house, Vnama even for an hour, and I am careful to growing well at night so as to ease the tensions, increase his Taatgueni your and your business the next day.
Aatada taking vitamins and tonics: That supports your health and give you the necessary energy for the performance of your business.
Stop stimulants: such as coffee, where it is detrimental to your health and the health of your baby. You can drink a glass of mint if I felt nauseous.
Lot of acts of drinking water: so that you do not get dehydrated and your fetus.